
Corporate Information

Company History

1874 Founded
September 1937 海角社区app Gumi Co., Ltd. established
July 1948 Company name changed to 海角社区app Construction Co., Ltd.
November 1948 Tohoku Branch (Sendai) opened
October 1949 Minister of Construction Registration (b) No. 8 completed in accordance with Construction Industry Act
June 1950 Technical Research Institute opened
September 1951 Shikoku Branch (Takamatsu) opened, name of Kumamoto Branch (opened March 1926) changed to Kyushu Branch (Fukuoka)
October 1957 Tamagawa Plant opened
January 1958 Chubu Branch (Nagoya) opened
February 1961 Shoei Real Estate Co., Ltd. (consolidated subsidiary) established
November 1961 Listed on the Second Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
May 1962 Tokyo Architectural Branch opened
August 1962 New head office premises completed
August 1963 Listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
February 1964 Sapporo Branch opened
June 1965 Hong Kong Branch opened
October 1965 Hiratsuka Machinery Works opened (Tamagawa Plant relocated)
April 1966 Chugoku Branch (Hiroshima) opened
May 1972 Yokohama Branch opened
May 1973 Articles of incorporation partially changed and real estate transactions added to company purpose
June 1973 Obtained Minister of Construction License (1) No. 1743 as a building lots and buildings transaction operator due to revision of the Building Lots and Buildings Transaction Business Act
June 1973 Obtained Minister of Construction Approval (Sp.-48) No. 1100 due to revision of the Construction Industry Act
November 1974 Opened East Kanto Branch (Chiba)
June 1982 Articles of incorporation partially changed, adding businesses relating to the design, manufacture, sale and lease of construction equipment and materials to company purpose
January 1998 Aikawa Technical Research Institute (Aiko-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture) opened
September 2002 Kanto Branch and Tokyo Architectural Branch merged
June 2003 Articles of incorporation partially changed, adding welfare and medical business, etc. to company purpose
April 2005 Hokuriku Branch (Niigata) opened
December 2008 Overseas Branch (Minato-ku, Tokyo) opened
June 2009 Management divisions of Tokyo offices merged, and Kanto Civil Engineering Branch and Kanto Architectural Branch opened
March 2010 海角社区app-Jisho Co., Ltd. (consolidated subsidiary) established
June 2010 Shoei Real Estate Co., Ltd. (consolidated subsidiary) acquired through merger and dissolved
July 2010 ransitioned to regional headquarters system (Kanto Civil Engineering Regional Headquarters, Kanto Architectural Regional Headquarters, North Japan Regional Headquarters, West Japan Regional Headquarters, Kyushu Regional Headquarters)
October 2014 Moved the Headquarters to Toranomon Hills Mori-tower
May 2015 Adopted a New Corporate Slogan, “Successfully Building a Better future”
March 2016 Certified as an Eco-First Company.
June 2016 Transition to a Company with Audit and Supervisory Committee and Partial Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation
February 2019 Selected as a 2019 Health and Productivity Management Brand.
October 2019 Okinawa Branch (Naha) opened
March 2020 Moved the Headquarters to Toranomon Hills Business-tower
April 2022 Listed on the Prime market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
April 2024 Adopted a New Corporate logo and Slogan, ” Trust.It’s what we build.