
Corporate Information

Corporate Philosophy

Company Motto

Courage, Courtesy, and Justice
~ An enterprising spirit,
a feeling of gratitude, and a righteous attitude ~

Corporate Philosophy

Establish a sustainable society for people to live with peace of mind, providing worthwhile structures and services

Code of Conduct

~ Values consistent with Courage, Courtesy, and Justice ~

An enterprising spirit

  • As a group of construction specialists, we will hone our skills every day in a continual effort to attain a high level of customer satisfaction and build a better society and environment.
  • We will take positive steps to create advanced technologies, attractive workplaces, and safe working environments in an effort to develop the Company's business and the construction industry.
  • We will always take social and environmental issues seriously in order to build a sustainable world and hand it down to the next generation.

A feeling of gratitude

  • We will respect all people and proactively support the realization of their dreams.
  • We will always consider our stakeholders, respect communications, and forge connections between people through our construction business.
  • We will always thank our community and society, and regularly communicate with them.

A righteous attitude

  • We will always be aware of our corporate social responsibility and conduct our corporate activities with a high level of ethics and transparency.
  • We will respect free and fair economic activities and engage in sound corporate activities from a global perspective to earn the trust of our stakeholders.
  • We will anticipate foreseeable risks and opportunities, keeping an eye on the future in an effort to build our responsive capabilities.